Join us for a virtual Professional Learning Workshop!

Exploring Biodiversity with K-2 Students

November 17th: Workshop 4:30-6:30 PM Pacific Time 

November 17th – February 18th: Pilots, surveys, and challenge submissions (optional) 

February 25th: Class engagement challenge winners announced 


This virtual professional learning workshop focuses on building teacher capacity for integrating environmental literacy instruction and science instruction in K–2. This workshop and the corresponding pilots are designed to provide teachers with the confidence and instructional materials to advance environmental literacy in their classrooms.

Who can sign up?

Credentialed or homeschool kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd-grade teachers in California. Teachers who are interested in building their capacity to advance environmental literacy. 

Who will be presenting the workshop?

Yvonne Qiu, Senior Instructional Designer, Green Guardians

What content will the workshop introduce?

Teachers will be introduced to environmental literacy and best pedagogical practices for its delivery in the classroom through a lesson series titled, “My Animal Friends”. In this lesson, students follow the story of Timor, a “bug enthusiast”, who rescues a monarch caterpillar from his backyard and takes it to school to try to save it. Students will consider the environmental impact of pesticides and habitat loss on pollinators and learn what they can do to help protect and increase the population of monarch butterflies. 

Hightlight program features and alignment_1
“It is an excellent series of lessons that draw the students in because of its relevance to their lives. It is teacher-friendly and everything
you need to teach the lesson is included.”

Carolina Orlando, Kindergarten Teacher at Lomita Park Elementary School

During the workshop, teachers will receive all the materials in our "My Animal Friends" lesson series kit! The lesson series kit includes teacher guides, family guides in both English and Spanish, teacher PowerPoint slides, lesson PDFs, and printable worksheets! Each lesson is filled with fun activities and videos that go along with the story.

After the workshop concludes, participating teachers will be asked to pilot the lesson materials in their respective classrooms.

Upon completion of the lesson series with their students, each teacher is asked to complete a survey about their experience. Each teacher will be provided with a $50 gift card for piloting the materials and completing the survey.

Additionally, each piloting teacher can choose to participate in a class engagement challenge with up to $500 ($50, $150, $300) in prizes awarded to the winners of the challenge. 

Register for the Workshop Today!

  • About the Organizers:

    Green Guardians is an education startup focused on advancing environmental literacy by integrating environment-based learning into the K–12 school system through standards-linked curriculum and experiential learning opportunities to create civically engaged and environmentally responsible students.


    Brian Heger or Danielle Moye at

  • Turnitors into leads.